Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I always thought I'd be one to jump all over the epidural bandwagon. I thought I'd be screaming for drugs the minute I felt any pain. Today, for the first time, I started seriously thinking about not having the epidural or getting the epidural put in but having no drugs unless I absolutely felt like I would die.

So, I am doing research into the "no intervention" childbirth thing. TRUST ME--I'm not considering this to win any awards or anything. I'm not interested in getting a cookie for a "more painful" experience. If I decided to go with no interventions, it would make me no more or less of a woman than any other lady. Nor am I a hippie who chooses to go "natural," I could honestly care less about all of that.

Here's some reasons why I am seriously considering it...
1) Millions of women for thousands of years have been doing it without the epidural and have been fine.
2) The pain will pass.
3) After the birth, women who do not have an epidural are able to get up and move around within a couple hours.
4) I won't feel doped up during the experience.
5) Many women who have a no-intervention delivery have repeat no-intervention deliveries for future children (it must be worth it!).

I've got some time to do some research. I think I just want to be open to the possibilities. I definitely don't want to just jump all over that epi at the first sign of discomfort.

2 props:

Anonymous said...

As a momma of two, I've done it both ways......if I ever get to birth again, I will go the route of no intervention. Yes, at the time I thought I would die, but for all the reasons you listed it was sooo much better. I did have a doula though, and I don't think I would have made it without her. Either way, you get a wonderful bundle of joy, but like I said, I would do it the no intervention way again. I felt so much better and the baby was so much more awake and "with it"!! Good luck!

SwtJess21 said...

I've always considered having "no drugs/epidural" when/if we have children. Talk to Carla--I believe she did it without drugs both times?? Or maybe once? I know she had a doula as well one time. I watch TLC baby stories all the time and those ladies can do it :) I agree though on your #1, how they have been doing it for years. I would say GO for it unless you can't take it once you get into it. I know Carla with her doula she wanted it like at the last minute and the doula was there to tell her, this is what you wanted Carla and before it was over with CJ was already here :) Good luck!!!!