Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tomorrow is the ultrasound, and we are both so nervous. We've spent the last week and 2 days wondering whether we are having twins or not. It's hard not to start thinking, seeing, and saying "doubles" after seeing those two, beautiful sacs in there. It's even harder not to think twins when the RE herself couldn't tell us for sure one way or another. It's been a stressful week of waiting, and I've caught myself saying "the babies" or "when they come" several times. Way to put the cart before the horse, Christina.

To be sure, though, we will not be disappointed if there is only one. One baby was our goal all along. Two babies would just be an extra little joy.

All this waiting has made me very cranky. I'm cranky with the students, annoyed all the time. My classes seem to pass so slowly when I'm obsessing about time going faster. The kids are still pretty decent, but I feel like I'm always annoyed by them. It's an awful feeling, because it makes me think I don't like my job anymore or something, but I know that's not the case. It's just that I have so many other things going on in life that I'm enjoying so much more than being a teacher!!! I'm sure that by this time next year, everything will be fine, and I'll remember how much I love what I do.

Yesterday was our reunion in Kentucky. Most people didn't even recognize my grandma because of what the cancer has done to her body (not to mention her long hair that was always tucked into a bun). She's such a wonderful, amazing lady...

0 props: