Saturday, September 19, 2009

Just a short update today, as I am completely out of energy. I've decided I do have morning sickness, it's just not the "waking up and puking" type. I'm having a difficult time eating certain things (like bread and cereal...grainy and dry stuff). When I eat them, I feel like I'm going to gag. I can't eat breakfast, so I just drink a big glass of OJ. The things that have the WORST affects on me are smells. Smells make me want feel like I'm going to throw up (though I never do). Our school sometimes has issues with a sewer smell circulating through the vents and into our classrooms. This happened on Friday and I just thought I would die.

Quick note...I felt so bad on Thursday because hubs got up at 6am JUST to make me breakfast and I couldn't stomach it. I was almost in tears when I looked at him and said, "I am SOO sorry, but I can't get this to go down." I felt awful.

0 props: