Tuesday, December 8, 2009

...Some days you're the statue.

Today was a "statue" day. I'm dying for Christmas break. I cannot wait to get away for 2 weeks, and each day just seems to drag on and on and on.

The kids had a paper due today, so of course I spent much of my day fending of crying children and their "my computer..." or "my printer..." or "I emailed it!" excuses. Zero for you. Zero for you. Zero for you. I'm mean, I guess, but I expect a lot out of them, and there is no excuse for a late paper when you've had three weeks to do it. Be responsible. Be a young adult.

I still feel like crap, though, when they either don't do the paper (Don't you know you will fail my class if you don't do the work?) or when I actually DO give them a second chance (email it to me by 3:30 today, and I'll still take it...) they fail to follow through. I feel crappy because I take it personally. I shouldn't, I know, but I feel like I didn't do enough to get them to do the assignment. It ONLY bugs me when it's a 100+ point assignment, though.

Whatever, I guess. My job is not to baby them. It is to teach them life skills, and meeting deadlines is absolutely a life skill. I do it. My grades are never turned in late. I ALWAYS have my paperwork and anything requested of me turned in on time. There's no excuse for laziness, and maybe, just maybe if we (as a culture) stop allowing anything other than high expectations, maybe then we'd be doing better as a society. I'm sorry, but there is NO REASON to turn in late homework. Get your lazy butt in gear, and get it done, ya know??

Like I said, I'm mean. I've heard it from other teachers as well, but I don't care.

In other news...I'm off to see Twilight: The New Moon Saga again tomorrow. LOVE that movie. Definitely another one to add to my slim movie collection.

0 props: