Monday, December 14, 2009

We had our 20-week ultrasound today and got to see our beautiful little lady. There is still nothing more amazing than seeing her bouncing around on the little screen and feeling none of it, lol.

She is measuring exactly on target (within 1-2 days), with a due date still between April 29 and May 2. She was doing the MOST ADORABLE thing today...first, I should say she is currently breech, but the doctor said that is no big deal at this point and she will probably flip around again here soon. So, anyhow, her little head is up toward my belly button. Her little baby feet were up in her face, and she was playing with her tiny toes. Too, too cute. Absolutely. I cannot wait to actually see her face; she's going to be a beautiful baby.

Next appointment is at 25 weeks (11-18), and I'll be very close to starting the 3rd trimester! I can't believe it!!!!

1 props:

MrsV said...

J.T. was breech at 20 weeks and stayed that way! Hopefully she flips. You think that's cute, wait until they are a little older and actually play with their toes. J.T. currently finds it fascinating to eat his feet! You have so much awesomeness to look forward to; I am so happy for you!