Thursday, December 31, 2009

The fact that we are leaving 2009 behind tonight doesn't really seem as dramatic to me as it does every other year. Most years, I make a list of "goals" ("resolutions" tend to go by the wayside pretty quickly, but you can always come back to finish your "goals") that I want to accomplish within the next year. They usually consist of paying off debts, losing weight, all the typical stuff. My goals for 2009 were to pay of debts (and yet we dug ourselves a little further in with the purchase of a new car, lol), have a baby (in the midst of that), and buy a house (working our way towards that). So, all-in-all, I can say 2009 was a pretty productive year.

I'm kind of freaked about 2010 right now. For the same reasons I wrote about in my "stressing" blog a couple days ago. There is so much going on, where do I even begin to start with goals? My only real goal is to lose weight after the baby comes, but again, that's been the same goal I've had for years. I feel like life is at some sort of standstill for Nathan and I right now...we're waiting on so many things. It's like we're teetering on the edge of a cliff waiting to be pushed down the side. All I know is somehow we will make it through this year with all it is about to bring.'s to 2010. This will probably be one of the busiest, craziest, most stressful years of my life, but I'm ready for it. Let's just hope the bank account can keep up with the every-pressing financial demands, my sanity can keep up with many sleepless nights, and that my patience doesn't wear out before this time next year. Good luck to all in the new year :)

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