Sunday, March 21, 2010

NOW I am feeling a little stressed, a little anxious, a little overwhelmed. I've managed to keep it all in check and under control for the last 3 months, but now everything is hitting me like a brick. This is going to be one HELLUVA week, and I'm so nervous/anxious/stressed that I've been stuck to the bathroom all evening.

I have lists everywhere...lists of things to do for school (including all of my end-of-year paperwork and inventory, just in case I don't come back from spring break as a result of my 36-week midwife appointment), lists of things for my advisor activites (final requisitions, payments, instructions for the sub), copies to make for the next few weeks and units to get organized and sorted for the substitute, lists of things for the house including who is going where and doing what during the move and where our furniture is located (we have dressers/couch to pick up at Geemz's, cedar chest and bed from MIL's, desk and assorted other things in our trailer), and finally, lists of things to buy as soon as we are in the house (including baby essentials that we didn't get at the shower and replacement items for things we are throwing away when we move, like the kitchen trashcan).

I mean, there are so many lists I could really just use a notebook to keep everything organized. Worse than the lists themselves is the knowledge that I will ultimately forget many things and have to find time to take care of them.

This is going to be a mess. I'm already a mess. I hope I can find the time and peace of mind to sleep at night!

0 props: