Thursday, March 4, 2010

I feel like I'm carrying 4 babies in my belly. She is always on the go rolling and kicking and making my ribs ache and my lungs hurt. I's only going to get worse, but man, sometimes I just wish she'd take a little nap.

I have a growth ultrasound scheduled for Thursday the 18th because Baby is still consistently measuring two weeks ahead. Midwife says she could be a big baby or I could just have a long torso. She felt around and said it doesn't feel like the baby is extra large or anything, but the ultrasound will give us peace of mind.

Ultrasounds can be off by + or - 1 pound, so after the ultrasound, she said we will need to discuss our options. It is possible, according to her, that Rylee could be a 10-pound baby, or (again) she could be a nice average-sized 7-pound baby. She said we need to consider whether or not a c-section would be a better option based on the results of the u/s. But, she said, it is completely possible to birth a 9- or 10-pound baby naturally (and she's seen women do it...holy cow!!).

Baby is head down now (yay!), but I kind of knew this because of the amount of pressure in my pelvis. I am pretty much always sore, and I DREAD standing up. Just the process of moving from a comfortable sitting position to a standing position causes me the most intense heaviness and pain in my pelvic region. Shoo...pain, pain, pain.

(*Sending loving thoughts skyward...straight to her!*)

1 props:

~Carla~ said...

Good luck girl! Hope everything turns out peachy!!