Sunday, March 14, 2010

I haven't written in my blog in 10 days! That's got to be some sort of record :)

Today has been a busy day. I've been trying desperately to get things cleaned and packed in the house so we're ready for our move on the 26th. Luckily, I've discovered the value of a shared "To Do List". You see, I've started a Word doc to do list on my computer, and Nathan has access to it. So, as I think of more things to do, I add them to the list. As he gets free time on his days off, he checks the list and does the things he can do and deletes them from the list. Then, on my days off, I do the same thing. It's actually incredibly productive! I don't have to keep telling him over and over again to do things, and this week alone, he helped whittle my list down from 15 things to less than 5. It has been awesome, and it's so handy.

Since you're so interested, let me tell you how my next few weeks are looking....This week, I'll be 34 weeks along on Thursday. We're off to see the midwife for that growth scan I talked about last time. Saturday is the baby shower, and I am sooooooo excited for it! Next week, we close on the house on Thursday and move into the house on Saturday. Luckily, the week of March 29 is spring break at school, so I'll have time to accomplish the following things...painting, moving, assembling, putting things away, hospital tour, family doctor appointments, another midwife appointment.

Then, it's April 5, and I'll have 3.5 weeks of school left until my maternity leave.

Everything is great. I'm so glad that all of this is coming together so nicely!

0 props: