Sunday, February 21, 2010

1. The Geemz is in the hospital. Lots of things wrong. I'm not sure how much longer she will hang on...she doesn't look like she wants to fight much longer. I don't know what I'll do when she is gone...

2. My belly hurts. Not my stomach or anything, but the actual skin on my belly. I feel like my skin is being stretched right above my sternum. It itches and hurts. I still don't have stretch marks, though, so I should feel pretty thankful.

3. Mammaw said today, "I haven't even gotten to feel Rylee kick." I feel oddly guilty that Nathan and I couldn't make a baby happen faster...why couldn't the first IUI work? We wouldn't have to worry so much about the timing if it had happened earlier.

4. Looks like we'll actually have a full week of school. I'm thankful. Working is an excellent distraction.

5. 25 school days until Spring Break, 45 school days until my maternity leave starts, 26 calendar days until the Baby Shower, and 35 calendar days until we move. Busy, busy.

2 props:

~Carla~ said...

You got alot going on girl, take time for you, take care of you and that lil gal!

~Carla~ said...

You got alot going on girl, take time for you, take care of you and that lil gal!