Friday, February 5, 2010

Mammaw went to the hospital to have fluid drained from her abdomen. I believe they got 1.3L of it, and I told her that sounds like it HAS to set some sort of record! That's a LOT of fluid. She's still here, though, and I'm appreciating all the time we have left.

Another midwife appointment this past week. I had to take my Glucose test. When I first started drinking the orange drink, I thought, "Hey! This isn't too bad!" Initially, it tasted like flat orange pop; I couldn't figure out what all the complaints are about. the time I finished the crap, I knew. I, apparently, passed the test, because they said they would call the next day if there was a problem. I haven't heard anything, so I'm guessing that's good news.

Baby is laying sideways in my abdomen, which makes total sense since every time I stand up, I feel like my guts fall out of me. The midwife said we are worried about baby positioning until about 34 weeks, but at that time, if she is still not in position, we'll try some techniques to get her to move where she needs to be.

She talked about counting kicks, and I told her there's never been a day that passed when I didn't feel Miss Rylee flopping around in there. She's a VERY active little one :) At the next few appointments, the midwife said we will start talking about more educational things (i.e. the labor and delivery process itself and decisions that need to be made between now and then). She asked if I still wanted a natural, unmedicated birth, and I said yes. I'm all set to watch a movie called The Business of Being Born tonight, and I hope it reaffirms my desire to do the unmedicated birth. Though I'll admit, I get tired of people telling me, "You'll never make it!" when I tell them I'd like to go without an epidural.

I'm still very excited, though if asked, I find it a little difficult to muster up any jumping around and screaming for joy. I'm just too exhausted nowadays. Everything feels like a chore--especially cleaning. If I clean for more than 30 minutes, my back is in utter agony for the next two days. But....being as I am the only person in the house who does clean, if I don't do it and put up with the pain and inability to walk, it won't get done.

1 props:

~Carla~ said...

Hey Girl....sounds like you are right on track in your pregnancy! You go on the unmedicated birth! All women used to do it that way, so of course you can. I didn't make it the first time, mainly due to my fear and not having another woman as a support person. The second time, I made it, only because I told my doula ahead of time, no matter what I said or did, to just get me through it, to absolutely NOT let me have an epidural!!! She was great, and held me to my word. At the moment I wanted to kill her, but when it was over I was soooo thankful I had gone unmedicated. I enjoyed my new little one so much more, my body functioned correctly and my brain was so much clearer compared to the medicated birth!!! Anyway, sorry to write a book. I just am behind you every step of the way, I know you can do it!! I am so happy about grandma feeling better tonight too. Such good news!!