Friday, February 12, 2010

Sometimes I forget just how much I love my job. Having been out of school for the last few days as a result of the snow, I had so much more appreciation today for the kids, my classroom, grading, and looking out over the sea of faces. I'm a couple years in at this point (I think 3 years of teaching or so? But only 2 of those with a license), and I'm still content and satisfied. Sometimes I think about where I want to go from here, because I don't think I'll be in the classroom forever, but I know right now, I love teaching, and most of all, I LOVE teaching FRESHMEN!!! Can you believe that?? I love 9th graders; it's honestly the perfect grade for me. I can get them to work when the time comes, I can get them to listen when I need them to, and they entertain me so much the rest of the time. I am thankful to be in a career that I love so much and to be teaching at a school I enjoy.

All that being said, I am putting my resume out this year. No, I don't want to leave my school or my kids, I'm just interested in seeing what is out there (if anything). I now know how DUMB some of my interview answers were a couple years ago when I was making the circuit! And, I already have a guaranteed job, so there is no pressure to find a position--just potential opportunities. I would never trade having my own classroom with such fantastic kids for a mobile classroom (push-cart classroom) with 30 jerky students. I would never trade my relatively low pay and happiness for high pay and unhappiness. So, the stress is off. I'm just putting my resume out there and seeing if anything pops up. If so, great, what an awesome time for a new opportunity. If not, well, nothing was lost in the meantime, right??

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