Thursday, January 21, 2010

First, I have to say thanks to Christa, who gave me a blog award :)

The rules of the Lemonade Award are...
1. Put the Lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude
3. Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
4. Share the love and link to the person from whom you receive this award.

See the bottom of this post for my list of awardees :)

Baby Ry is still doing wonderfully. She is a VERY active little one. I pretty much feel her ALL THE TIME now; there's maybe a few hours or so a day where my intestines get some relief. My lung is still out of breathing room, I'm still constantly dying for sweets and junk food, and my belly seems to grow exponentially every day! I love this, but I can't wait to meet the baby in 14 weeks.

Random comment...has anyone else here seen He.idi Mo.ntag's new body after her 10 PLASTIC SURGERIES?!?! Talk about someone who looks absolutely sad and soulless when she speaks. So, so, SO sad.

The home buying process is still coming along swimmingly. There's a little disagreement about the price/value of the necessary window repairs, but for us, that is DEFINITELY NOT a deal-breaker. We are so in love with this house, and as far as I am concerned, we'll be moving into it one way or another on March 29.

Exam week is almost over, which means it's back to the regular grind on Monday. I'm excited, though, because 3rd quarter is my busiest quarter. Plus, I LOVE both of the books my kids are reading (Hunger G.ames in E9 and The Ch.ocolate War in HE9). They're going to love the books.

Ok, back to the award...My nominees (and I have to remember to comment and tell them) are...
1. Carla's Corner
2. Sarah Dashner Photography, who takes wonderful pictures, which will come in handy when her baby girl twins come along :)
3. Greek Wife's "Blogging while Blond"
4. Kim @ "Dish Baby"--Can't wait for her to post pics of her twin girls!!
5. Christa @ Fearlessly Infertile, who did an AWESOME overhaul of her blog's appearance recently (and her approach to IF)...good luck, girl as you take this cycle by storm!
6. Kristen @ "The Road Less Traveled"--I know she doesn't post much anymore, being blogged out, but I love being able to keep up with her life. One of the most amazing people I've ever had the good fortune to run across in my life!!

There are several other people whose blogs I follow religiously, but due to recent happenings in their lives, I don't think it's appropriate to bestow an award like this on them :( I can't imagine what these ladies are going through, but my heart goes out to them...

0 props: