Monday, January 18, 2010

1. Midwife appointment today. Am now switching to appointments every 2 weeks. She said my weight gain is spot on--exactly where it should be, which makes me feel a little less cowish. Baby is doing very well with a very strong heartbeat that the midwife finds immediately every time. The good ole' ute is measuring 27 weeks, so a little ahead. Glucose test at next appointment. Fun times :)

2. The home passed the inspection with flying colors. Just a couple of minor things to be fixed (clean the chimney flue, clean the garden tub drain, replace counterbalances on the windows), and one "major" thing (cost= approx $1500), to replace a couple of the windows whose seals have broken and are accumulating condensation. We'll see what comes of our "request to remedy" paperwork, but all-in-all, those are pretty small repairs.

3. My windshield on my Jeep cracked for the second time in less than a year. Perfect timing for that one, but we're waiting until the house is settled to do anything about it.

4. Exams this week, which means a relatively light workload for me. Then, we start the research paper which is a helluva project until mid-March.

5. Baby shower is scheduled and I'm pretty excited about the whole thing.

6. Slowly but surely beginning to pack and clean for the big move. So much exciting stuff going on!

3 props:

SwtJess21 said...

Woohoo!!! Sounds like you have everything in order!! When is your baby shower?? Are you all registered anywhere?

Christa said...

Congrats on the upcoming baby shower and new house. By the way, I nominated you for an award!

~Carla~ said...

We are sooooo excited for you guys!!