Wednesday, January 13, 2010

since I'm a HUGE blabbermouth and think that EVERYONE wants to know EVERY detail of my entire existence...


I keep coming to my blog to look at the pictures I posted the other day. I CANNOT believe we are going to be the owners of that home on March 29. How exciting! Plus, the way our mortgage works out, we will only be paying a couple hundred more a month FOR A HOUSE!!! I feel so satisfied and content with this whole thing!

3 props:

~Carla~ said...

AWESOME,AWESOME,AWESOME!!! I am so happy for you guys. Congrats!!!

~Carla~ said...

Hey girl, I got your comment the other day about yellow kitties!!! I am not sure if yellow cats can only father yellow kittens. I know that Patches our yellow cat was father to some of the kittens, four of the 6 were yellow. However, I have heard that mommy cats can be bred by more than 1 tom, and we do have another tom that comes and goes. His colors are black, gray and white. One kitten was black, one was tiger striped gray and black. So, that leaves you to wonder, is the rumor true that a mother can have more than one father for her kittens? Can a yellow father only have yellow kittens, or were some of the kittens simply other colors because the mother was gray and black??? Oh, the mysteries of life!!! Lol!

Christa said...

Congratulations! I hope to buy a house this year as well. Of course, it would help to know where we'll be living! The pictures you put up look awesome