Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm up at 5:00am every morning now. Ry usually wakes me up once around 3am or twice around 1am and 4:30am each night. I get up, shower quickly, make my oatmeal, and feed the baby for as long as she will eat (usually 40 minutes still). Nate gets up at 6am and comes downstairs to load the cars with all the bags (diaper bag, pump, his laptop, my purse, lunches, his cooler), takes the baby when I'm done feeding her, loads her into the carseat and 4/5 days a week, takes her to the sitter's.

We leave at the same time, and we're both on the road for 40 minutes before we pull in to work.

I work. All day. Love the kids. Love my job. Find myself smiling at every possible chance. When I'm in front of my kids, I am truly happy and fulfilled.

2:52 rolls around, and I finish up grading and copying. No later than 3:30, I pack up my things (pump bag, now-empty lunch bag, purse) and leave to drive 40 minutes to pick up Ry. Pick her up, feel all warm and mushy inside when I see her beautiful face, drive home, pull in the garage between 4:30 and 5:00pm.

Immediately pump then feed Ry when we get home. Make dinner around 5:40ish. Eat at table with hubby and baby on table in her bumbo. Nate clears table, loads/runs dishwasher while I take baby upstairs for bath/wipedown. I put her into a new onesie and feed her again around 7:00pm. By 7:00-7:30, she's desperate to go to bed, so I take her up to the bassinet in our bedroom.

Back downstairs to clean bottles, pack diaper bag, pack pump, pack lunches, and have everything lined up on the island ready to go in the morning. This brings us to about 8:30 when I go up to the office to 1) Check my school emails, 2) Check my Facebook, 3) Check on blogs. By 9:00-9:30, I go to bed.

Those are my days. I now understand why people say there just isn't enough time in the day!!!

1 props:

SwtJess21 said...

WOW! I got worn out just reading it!!! You are VERY busy!!! I bet it is so hard leaving Ry :(