Thursday, August 19, 2010

Only one weekday left before I return to work. I am so, so sad :(

I already have a parent upset with me (a carry over from last year) and my first meeting (with said parent and my principal) scheduled for next Friday. The third day of school.

And I thought I was going to start off on the right foot....

I haven't even started yet and I can feel my heart breaking at the thought of seeing Ry so little during the week.

3 props:

SwtJess21 said...

Oh wow!! I'm sorry to hear you already have a meeting with a parent---that sucks :( I hope it goes well.

I can't imagine what you are feeling to leave Ry, but I don't know how you are gonna do it, I don't think I could do it.

Good luck though!!!

~Carla~ said...

Oh girl, you are killin' me. I have no earthly idea how working mom's do it. I have been blessed to be a stay at home mommy with my kidos ever since they were born. Sure, they drive me nuts some days, but I'd never give up any of the moments I've had with them. They truly are my life. Hope everything goes well for you....Carla

~Carla~ said...

Thinking of you this week....hope everything is going good for you and Ry.....~Carla~