Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I try not to complain that much, especially about things completely out of my control. But I HATE SNOW!!!

Today was yet another snow day (our 6th of the year, I think), which means we have to make up days at the end of the year now. No big deal to me; it's finals week, all I do is sit around anyhow. Hell, at this point, if we're going to have to come back for an extra day in an extra week anyhow, we might as well take another 4 snow days! What's the point in just coming for a Monday when you could go ahead and come for 4 more days? Like I said, it's all finals, so it's not like I have to do a lot of work. I'd rather take the entire winter off and have school through the summer when it's warm and I can open the windows, than to have to be in school on cold, snowy day.

There is nothing worse than a downpour of snow when you're trying to teach something. ("Oh my gosh! Can you believe it's snowing outside?" "Look outside, look at all the snow!" "Maybe we'll get out early today!!") As interesting and exciting as English Language Arts may be, no reading or writing assignment can compete with the white stuff.

I made a stop into the wig store today with my mom to pick up something for g-ma. We had to buy those little stocking caps that people wear under their wigs, who has officially lost all of her hair. I'm still in awe at the price people pay for these wigs, and I'm slightly offended that even cancer patients have to pay full price for them. For all the things cancer survivors (surviving with, not dying from) have to pay and do and suffer, offering them a wig or a cap at some sort of discount seems like a necessary charity. I guess even wig makers have to make a living, though.

1 props:

Amanda said...

Actually you can get the wigs for free... there is a program I'll ask mom. Who by the way is on her second hair loss of the year... boo for cancer...

they'll clean cancer patients houses too.. there is lots out there in the way of help if you search. =)