Monday, January 26, 2009

Hello and welcome to my new, non-Myspace blog. I'll be keeping my posts semi-anonymous because I don't want one of my wonderful students stumbling their way onto my private thoughts. So, in comments, be sure to avoid mentioning my school of employment, my last name, and anything else highly identifying.

If I don't know you, I'm Christina, 25, married, living somewhere in Ohio. I teach 9th grade English in a rural school district where the value of a cow is more important than the value of education. But, I love my job, I love what I do, and I love the kids I work with every day. I wake up every morning with the knowledge that I am serving my purpose in this life and the appreciation for being blessed with such an awesome occupation.

My husband, Nathan, almost 25, is a cable installer for a local company. He's an awesome person with the patience of a saint. He's definitely my best friend and I'm lucky to have such a great companion--but that's not to say that our relationship is always roses. Sometimes it's pure hell, lol :)

We've been married since October, 2007, but we've lived together since December, 2002. We don't count our marriage date as a "starting point," it's more like the continuation of something that was already pretty committed to begin with.

In about March, 2008, we decided something was definitely missing in our lives and made the choice to begin trying to become parents. It sounds so cheesy to say it that way, but in truth, we were tired of it being just us all the time. I think there comes a moment in a couple's life when the two realize that they're in a rut...when every night is the same--get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv, go to bed. That was our rut. We were doing the same thing every single freaking day, which brought us to our decision. Definitely time for a family.

I think I expected babymaking to be a really easy process. Hell, if a teenager with no income and no common sense can pop one out, anyone should be able to, right? I always thought getting pregnant was as simple as "Wam, Bam, here's your baby," but it didn't turn out to be that way for me and Nathan.

In March, 2008, I went off the bc I had been on since 2003. By October, I found myself in the OB's office trying to figure out why my periods were MIA. By December, we found out I have anovulation (can't pop out an egg on my own). December 27, I started what I thought would be my miracle drug, Clomid, given to help a woman ovulate. My first cycle didn't work...I'm currently waiting for AF (yup, "Aunt Flow," gross, eh?) or CD60 (day 60 of cycle), whichever comes first. Then, my Clomid will be doubled--twice the insane headaches, definitely something to look forward to.

1 props:

Amanda said...

I knew you would come to my side! LOL, and you can change your settings so only certain people can read it...

I've missed you by the way, we need to make plans for some lunch or something some day.