Monday, June 20, 2011

Rylee has an ever-growing vocabulary. I think she starts saying something and it takes us a few days to pick up on the new "word", but it's funny because even once she has learned a word, she sometimes trips over her tongue when trying to say it.

Words she can say and things she can do:
"Dada" and "Dadeeeeeee" (She likes to draw out ending vowel sounds)
"mama" (though she prefers saying daddy...)
"Kit Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" (Kitty Kat)

She can also:
blow kisses
give "baby kisses" (those open-mouthed ones with a muah sound)
go down the stairs the right way (backwards)
open and close doors
get up and down on the couch
and she's peed in the potty twice (totally accidentally, but she did it)

Every day it's something new. She's pretty awesome!

1 props:

~Carla~ said...

Ahhhh isn't parenthood the best?? Love your posts! ~Carla~