Monday, June 6, 2011

I love the days that when they are over you can sit back and say, " I made something of myself."

Ry has a potty. I know, she's only 13 months, probably too early, but she's a pretty smart cookie. And I figure since she sees potty training going on at the sitters, maybe she'll pick it up from the kids. But really, who WANTS to pee on this pretty thing:

1 props:

~Carla~ said...

Girl, it's never too early. Potty training is just that, training. We train them to potty in their diaper and then we have to retrain them to potty on the potty. I read this magazine article about potty training your baby, so guess what :) I've been working on Kyleigh since we was three months old. We don't get it perfect everytime, but when I know she has to "go" I set her on the potty and she goes. She knows what I expect her to do now. It's so cool. The bigger she gets, the better she does. So, don't let anyone tell you it's too early, go for it!!! Hope to see you guys soon. ~Carla~