Friday, October 1, 2010

I always wondered if people ever reached that moment in life when they truly felt like everything was right, and now I know that moment DOES exist and can last, and last, and last.

I haven't been around much. In fact, I haven't been online much at all. Listening to and dealing with so many other people's issues and hearing their drama always felt like it was bringing me down. (I should say there are some people whose drama and life issues I DO care DEEPLY about, though!) So, I've stayed away. I also haven't had even a moment of time to waste hanging out on the internet, lol. We run, run, run all week and spend the weekends working on the house, hanging out as a family, painting rooms, sitting out by the fire pit (or fireplace now!).

I have to tell you....I have never felt more purposeful, more loved, more a part of the world, more successful, or generally happier than I do now. I am so content. I am so fulfilled. I feel like I'm living up to my purpose in life. At school, I live one part of my life--caring about the kids, loving what I do, teaching them things they need to survive and be productive. At home, I live the other part of my life--taking care of my family, developing this tag-team relationship with Nathan, managing and balancing all the many hats I now wear. I love it all. I love feeling like I'm living the life I'm supposed to live.

I finally feel complete--a whole person. Can't wait for more little ones to roam the homestead :)

1 props:

Mineral said...

That is fantastic! I think of you often when I am struggling to do homework, find subbing jobs, be a sister/daughter/friend/girlfriend, and work out... I can't imagine trying to do all that with a child in tow! Happy Holidays, Toph... enjoy the time in the coming months... I know you always do.