Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Really. I am a complete slave to my boobs. I've been breastfeeding since about half an hour after Ry was born, and no one ever told me how much WORK it is. It is literally a full-time job to breastfeed; I have no clue how Michelle Dug.gar has done it for the last 20 years!!!
I'm trying to pump to have a small arsenal of boob milk ready to go when I do go back to work in August, but I no sooner have 4 ounces together and frozen than she drinks it (mind you, I only give her a bottle once a day and only either if we are going somewhere or once in the evening before bed). This child drinks a 4 ounce bottle at 3 weeks old!!! So, I pump and pump and get a few ounces together, and she drinks it. I'm lucky to stay two days ahead of her for that one 4-ounce bottle!
Any suggestions on best practices for pumping while breastfeeding? I try to pump in between feedings (when she goes for a 3 or 4 hour stretch between eating), but she's been on an hourly schedule during the daytime this week, and there isn't time to pump (or do anything else, for that matter) in between. Has anyone out there pumped and breastfed? Do you pump while baby eats? Before? After? Just in between feedings? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tomorrow evening, I am taking a few hours off from Mommy duty for the FIRST TIME since she was born. Nathan is staying home with the lil one, and I'm heading the library, target for hair dye, and I'm not sure what else. I need a few hours away; I think I've earned it :)
2 props:
Yay!! An update!!! I've been checking you and Carla's page like daily LOL!! I feel so alone, bored over here with Jason I turn to the computer/blogs lol.
Glad things are going well.
Carla may be able to answer some of your questions on breastfeeding...I've never been there!!
Hang in there and can't wait to see updated pics of little Rylee.....
Lol, I love your blog!! You keep me smiling with all your new experiences! First, I want to say that I am quite proud of you for keeping at it with breastfeeding. Alot of people give up really quickly when they discover how much time and commitment it really does take. I am so impressed that you haven't quit!! I don't have any experience with pumping. I successfully failed every attempt at that! Don't know if I didn't have enough milk, or just not a good enough pump, but either way, it never worked for me. However, from your past posts and this one I might have a little insight!!! Does Rylee take a pacifier?? My experience, my kids would've nursed 24/7 until my dear dr said "quit letting them use you as a pacifier"! Babies need that sucking motion for both comfort and brain stimulation and growth. But, they don't need to be attached to you all day!!! :) So, what I discovered worked for me was at nursing time, I would nurse for about 15-20 mins on each side, then, I stick the binki in their mouth, wrap them tight and lay them down or is a little tricky to get them to use the bink sometimes, esp with a nursed baby. They like that skin contact. My mom taught me to stick the paci in with my hand over top of it, then my hand also went up their little cheek, they would feel the skin and be least until real hunger set it!! took some time to get it though. You may already be using a paci and if you are then great.... if not, you could try it. Trial and error really is the only way to figure it out, we are all kinda blundering fools at this!! Too bad there isn't a manual! If she gets mad just because she isn't nursing anymore, if you know you fed her and she's clean diapered it won't hurt her to fuss a bit (believe me, it hurts you worse than her) and she will learn she doesn't need you to comfort her every time! Good luck girl, you will get it!!! I am proud of you!
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