Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sometimes, I want to look at people and say,

"It isn't your comment that saddens me, it is the ignorance behind that comment that does."

I frequent a local news site to see how my school is fairing in the public relations department, and I am completely appalled at some of the things I read on that site. Writing as cryptically as possible (to avoid possible repercussions), I am appalled that people would overlook our outstanding graduation rate to complain about an administration from over five years ago. I am appalled that our building's academic achievements and "excellent" state rating, despite our financial disadvantages, are overlooked to complain about how "much" our teachers are paid. I am even moreso appalled that the people who complain the most and are the most verbal with their insults tend to know so little about both the school AND its financial situation.

Ignorance is not bliss; it is the absence of compassion.

Support our schools! Support YOUR future!

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