Sunday, March 25, 2012

I've been doing the single mom thing since November 1 (longer if you consider his absences before that), and I know I have always had a pair of pocket-sized cajones tucked away in my purse somewhere, but recently, I'm watching my femininity wash away to be replaced by this rugged manliness of which I am not a fan.

I started a project a few weeks ago with Terri to paint all the blonde stained trim and doors in my house white. She and I managed the entire downstairs in two days, but last weekend, I decided to tackle the upstairs myself. On day 1, I went to Lowe's...alone (way too manly issue #1). I had to buy more primer and paint trays. The fact that I knew what kind of primer (Terri and I had gotten a lesson from the Lowe's guy the week before) without having to ask = too manly #2, and the fact that I knew where to go in the store = too manly #3. To start the upstairs project, I took all the doors off and carried them downstairs to the garage (#4), where I then rolled them with primer. I taped off the trim upstairs and painted it with primer as well. Terri and kory helped me bring the doors back up that week (because I couldn't hold them and put them back on myself, which I think lets me slide back down the manly scale a bit).

Today, though, was THE WORST. I had to MOW THE GRASS, which if you know me, you know I would rather punch myself in the face repeatedly for three hours straight than have to mow the grass. I put on my big girl pants and rolled the mower out to the yard for the whole neighborhood to see when I pulled the chain-thing and....not a thing happened. I crouched next to the mower to look in the gas tank (#5), it was dry. I grabbed the gas can, shook it, heard a little sloshing and thought surely that would be enough. I take it to the mower, remove the nozzle from the spout of the gas can, and am stunned by this weird piece of plastic across the opening. I pick at it, totally flummoxed by this problem. I push and pull on the spout and soon feel like a moron when I realize you have to pull the spout down to release the contents of the gas can. Who would've thought a gas can could be so complicated? But now that I know that, I'm at manly #6.

Lo and behold, there isn't any gas left in the can, so I throw it in the car and head to the station. On returning, I drag the mower back to the yard, fill it with gas (pulling on the spout to release the contents instead of looking like a caveman), push the little red button to "prime" the mower (thankfully, I can honestly say I still don't know what that means), grab the pull-thingy and let it rip with my arm that is beyond tired from all the painting.........nothing. I try 5 more times before I think everyone is looking out his/her window laughing at my level of suckiness and call my brother to try. He comes down, gives it one pull, and bam, it starts.

Mow, mow, mow....suckage, suckage, suckage.....I need a man.....maybe I'll just pay someone.....I think these thoughts in repeat while I muscle the mower around my yard and do a total hack job of it (#7). Looking down on my yard from my window right now, I'm not sure if it is better now or was better shin high. Shin high at least it looked like some of the other houses in my neighborhood, mowed, it looks like a group of horses went stomping through it in no particular pattern.

There are few times when I think it would be nice to have a man around. I'm all about the strong, independent woman thing, but there are some things I just don't like to do or just don't know how to do (weed whacking, for example!).

Today, I feel like I tucked my woman card away into the deep recesses of my mind and had to play the role of man's man. I am not a fan of that feeling.

Here's some cuteness:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ever have one of those situations come up that you just get stuck on and you can't figure out the best course of action for moving forward? Yeah, I've got one of those ruts going right now. It's a lose, lose, win situation where no path is really the best path. I could choose to do nothing, which amounts to losing, or I could choose to do something, which amounts to losing a little less.

Where's the pros/cons chart when you need it?

Just applied to be on the wait list for the early childhood daycare program at O hio S tate. Depending on the number of openings, it can take months for a spot to open. The benefit would be that should would be right on campus in a program with a 1:5 teacher:toddler ratio being taught lessons by a certified teacher. The daycare is only for children of people associated with the university and since I started my new job, everyone keeps telling me I've got to get ry enrolled. We'll see what happens; I'm not even for sure it's what I want to do, but I DO want to make sure ry has all the best opportunities in life and this would certainly be a step forward.

I just finished what must have been the longest week ever. Tuesday, I trained 40 or so teachers in giving effective feedback, Wednesday and Thursday, I was invited to serve on a 5-person committee to do some state-level work with the dept of Ed, Friday and today, I was at an ELA conference all day both days. Whew!!! I love all the running!!

I also have to give some mad props to mother nature for the absolutely FANTASTIC winter we had this year. I'll take no snow and intermittent springlike weather every year, please :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

So I thought I'd share some of the neat things rylee does now that she is 22 months old...

She talks, a lot. I don't always understand her, but she's pretty demanding when she wants a certain thing (insert joke about her being like her mommy!). She says tons of, orange, nana, moo, coat, brush your teeth, scratchy back (scratch my back), brush your hair, mommy help me, yes, no, why (new as of a couple days ago), no way, cry baby face (lol), everyone's names/titles, truck, choo choo, etc. she pretty much repeats/tries to repeat everything I say. Today, I even got her to try saying "mommy is exasperated," and she gave it a pretty good go!

She likes certain foods, but will try about anything. She likes ketchup on everything (including waffles). She asks for the food she wants, unless I'm not giving her an option. She's not the best eater in that she doesn't always eat a lot of food, but I also don't force her to eat and operate under the assumption that she will eat when she's hungry.

She copies everything I do. She follows me throughout the house. If I'm in the "potty," she's in the potty. If I'm doing makeup, she wants makeup. When my alarm goes off, she's immediately in my room. If I'm cleaning, she will help. Today, I was getting together her old clothes and boxing them up, and she brought all the clothes to me to be folded and packed. When I throw clothes down the stairs to do laundry, she gets her clothes and throws them down. She picks up her toys most nights, and she usually carries in a light grocery bag when we go to the store. She's amazingly helpful!

She likes to read and be read to. She doesn't sit still very long, but when she says, "mommy, read a book," or "no, different book," we read.

She's a little bossy (again, not sure where that one comes from!). She just recently started telling me "mommy, you nappy, too!" when I put her to bed at night. When I put her coat on in the mornings, she's says, "mommy, you coat, too!". If I'm eating or drinking, she says, "I want some" or "I have some too." when stopped at a red light in traffic, she says, "mommy, go!"

She's a smart cookie also. She can tell you each person/animal at everyone's house, including Terri's, even though she's only been there once. She can said "a, b, c, d" and "1 , 2, 3," and blue is by far her favorite color to identify and ask for.

She wears 3t shirts and 2t pants.

She's very playful, and a bundle of energy that can wear me down most days. She likes to play "come get me" now, and I like to use her as a bench press (hey, two birds, one stone, you know?).

We've got a nice nighttime routine that works 90% of the time except when I'm rushing her off to bed 10 minutes early because mommy is ready for he alone time.

Let's not pretend she doesn't throw the tantrums of any other two year old, but I think I've watched enough nanny 911 episodes to feel like I handle them pretty well. Actually, since having left the classroom and Nathan's departure, I have the most insane amount of patience, so she gets every bit of my calmness. Plus, I'm as stubborn as she is, so when I ask her to pick up her toys and she looks at me and says, "no way! No! No way!!". She WILL end up picking up the toys, even if I have to calmly place them in her little hand and walk her to the toy box--always giving her lots of cheers once the task (and episode) are done. In public, though, my reaction to the tantrums is a totally different story. They are SO EMBARRASSING!!!! But, I let the flush of purple fill my face while I try to figure out what the freak out is about.

Rylee is, though, a really well-behaved, awesome kid (where's the wood to knock on???). I now enjoy all my time with her.